Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fort Vancouver 15k

Although I have walked 9.3 miles MANY times, this was my first 15k event and my first time to participate in the Fort Vancouver event. It was fantastic! The route was very nice with a good mixture of hills and flat areas. (I love hills... they change things up for my leg muscles!) The route was extremely well marked and volunteers were exactly where they were needed to be sure you followed the proper route - for those that might not be looking at the signs! There was a 6k, 10k and 15k all going on at the same time with some areas along the route being used by all three events. It could not have gone any smoother! I have nothing but praise for the event's coordinators! A big job very well done! Kudos! (Thank you Doug - our Vancouver Fit leader - for being out there on your bike and encouraging us along with your positive words and big smile!)

I felt great and full of energy this morning and was high on the excitement of doing another event! I had a mindset to see how fast I could actually go today. I wanted to really push myself and I did. In fact, I am a bit sore now and I'm usually not after an event (except after the BIG ones of 26.2 miles!). I pushed the entire time. I am a walker but today, I actually was a part-time runner! I am a slooooow runner, yes, but I ran! I have to guess but I would say I ran off and on for at least half of the 9.3 miles! That is a huge accomplishment for me! There were times that I would be walking and have the need and desire to run again... it felt better to me than walking! Whoa. Who am I?!

Along side me the entire way were friends, Sue and Nanette. Sue is a longtime walker and Nanette is a "newbie" this season. This event was Nanette's very first event. She crossed the starting line and the finish line at the exact same times Sue and I did so to say she did well on her first event is a major understatement! SHE. DID. FANTASTIC!

At the finish line we congratulated each other and Nanette said, "When's the next one?! Sign me up!" haha Yep... she has the fever!  ;)

Our time to complete the 15k was 2:05:21, averaging 13:20 minute miles. This is my best overall average E-V-E-R!  I am proud, proud, proud!

Sue, Me and Nanette

Congrats to my other friends, Linda and Cindy, for a race well done too! WE ALL ROCK! ;)

My long term goal has always been to run a half marathon... all 13.1 miles of it. I will eventually do it, even if I am a slooooow runner. My short term goal is to run a 7k event (4.35 miles) - the whole thing - in August. I am well on my way to being able to accomplish that!

As for my back and running... I know it isn't the brightest idea because honestly, I am not supposed to be running BUT, well, I am. I would rather live hard now and ENJOY life as I want to than to LIMIT myself and never experience this awesome life I am currently living. I cannot stop and hold myself back. I simply can't do it. If I pay the consequences later, I will have TRULY ENJOYED the route I took to get there. No regrets. Enough said.

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