Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sellwood Scamper 5k

Our "bling" for the race!
This morning was the first annual Sellwood Scamper 5k event (3.1 miles) celebrating the grand opening of a new Foot Traffic store in Sellwood (Southeast Portland). We were blessed with AWESOME weather and an AWESOME race! The route was entirely through neighboorhood streets with some pretty great views. It was definitely a route I would run again! Run?! Did I say "run"?! Yes I did! We did it!! Nanette, Sue and I RAN almost the entire 3.1 miles! We walked a couple blocks after running the first full MILE and then walked again for a couple of blocks while climbing a big hill. Other than those two walking moments, we RAN, RAN, RAN, even going into a FULL OUT SPRINT for the last several yards! GO US! We had a blast!!

Results of this great effort:  3.1 miles in 37:15 minutes, averaging 12:00 minute miles! WOOOOO-WHOOOOO!

Today we. were. RUNNERS. and I am so, so proud!

Anything is possible!


  1. Congrats!!! What a great day for a race! I saw this race and seriously considered it. I'm kind of bummed I didn't sign up because those socks are cute!! ;)
